🍁 Transparent

It silently kills inside.
At some point of my life where i thought everything has changed.
From happiness to heartbreak.
From being heartbreak to denial.
From denial to acceptance.

"I'm okay"
"No worries"
"I'll be fine"

People probably think that i wasn't being honest to myself.
But uhm little did you know that 
Our mind is actually the one who controls our behaviour?
It is not about i lied to myself.
But I'm trying my best to not lose what i have right now.

"Life is hard, isn't it?"
Indeed, it is hard.

There was a time where i think;
"it is okay to convince myself that everything's gonna fine"
I'm not lie to myself.
But all i did is for myself to always learn that;
Behind someone's action, there must be reason.
I'm afraid of losing, so i choose to be feed my mind with positivity.

At this stage of my life, i know that some people come and go but that's fine and life must go on. Convincing myself that "it's okay" isn't a lie but that's how i control myself. I can't control people's mind so choose to control mine. 

I know for what had happened is actually silently kills me inside but if i look at the positive side, I learned new behaviour that exist; "Being transparent will hurt but at least they're being honest".



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