The Unpopular Opinion

Well hello people! 
So what's the topic today? It is about grief, denial & truth. If and only if you follow up my unprivate diary journey, you probably know that I'd gone thru six different degrees in life where the post that I've talked about it had been retrieved to draft. But nah, it's not important at all right now 😌


I agreed with this post 💯!! I admit that until now, me & myself still think about "where does it goes wrong?". But yet, I can't just let myself keep drowning in that feeling. I choose to learn to let it go bcs i guess that is the only best way to make me feel better. 

Besides, at this moment i admit that i felt a lil bit lost bcs currently i involved myself with the annual camp for two weeks and yup, he is here too. I admit that i took time to blend with people around me. I really took time to tell myself to not ruin the walls that I've built before. Remember all those hard times? Who was there for you? 
Exactly! No one! You're the only one who picked up yourself repeatedly until you realised.... What a waste? 

Life still gotta go on. Did i cried? Of course i did. Even now I'm typing while crying lol crying for nothing.

Back to the unpopular opinion, i admit that the statement is true and until now i feel it. I was angry, sad and feeling worthless before but then everything has changed. Throughout these six different journey, i learned to let go everything gently instead of letting the sadness, madness and all that conquer me. Aihh what for la ek i talk about this? Hahahah but it's okay. This thing just opened my mind for once again. The grief is still there but that's fine. 

Anyway, still got 8 days left here. Wish me luck and pray that I'll be safe from that entity 🙆🏻‍♀️


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