She's growing to the next level💐

Hello, peeps!
As today is the last night of Ramadhan for this year, i think owe myself a memories to be remembered. The good and the bad memories that I've been through in this holly month. I swear, some of it was unbearable but i made it! Some feel like sweetest sugar that i ever taste but then, after all those memories i can conclude that "throughout my worst, Allah always prepared what is the best for me". Alhamdulillah, I'm proud of myself who had once felt so low but now I'm still standing on my two feets witnessing my own life where i think currently i did everything at my best.

Here are some of the thoughtful thoughts that i kept in myself since last year;

I used to be timid to walk away from my past life
I kept putting myself into the undecided world
All i see was the darkness but kept convincing myself;
"To go through the sweetest, you gotta taste some bitter life" 

My sabr had come to it's limit and BOOM!

I guess that's gonna be the last time I'm gonna pop out 😅

But here the truth; 
Those tough and bitter life did replace with the "good feeling"
I truly enjoy each of the path that im choosing now
I admit that living this way is so much better than my past
I am honestly feel bless and grateful to each of the bumpy roads that i gone through

Alhamdulillah, i made it.

It's time for me to pamper myself with full care and love myself endlessly
If only i know, move out from that life gonna make me feel like the happiest kids who living in her dream; i would never let myself drown into the sweet undefined relationship at all
But if you asked me "am i regret for it?"
Of course, my answer is no bcs at least i got the chance to learn people's behaviour.
One person can be the cruellest, sweetest and uhm let me just keep it to myself.
Who knows this kinda people did exist in this world 😂

Anyway, apart on that i got to admit that i won't grew up well until this phase of my life without my family and the closest circle. Alhamdulillah, Allah took that one person away from my life but replace it with bunch of supportive people to my life.

Thankyouu wouldn't be enough but hello, bersyukur lah dengan apa saya nak cakap nih; "Thank you for everything! Each of the kindness and lessons given wil always secure in my mind."

Love, tims 🐥

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