🌻 3 Major Lessons in 2019

Hello, peeps! 
Since it almost come to the end of 2019, i would like to share my 3 Major Lessons in 2019 ♥️ Frankly honest, my 2019 journey was actually full of storms and bumpy roads that some knew and some might not know about it. I swear that, it wasn't that easy but Alhamdulillah; here i am at the end of the year, still standing on my two feets and i can finally see each of those hard times did pay off πŸ™†πŸ»‍♀️

1. Forgive yourself ☝🏻
Throughout this journey, i met this one person who thought me this lesson which is "to forgive myself". I always been haunted by my own past life where it makes me think;
"for what reason i gotta face this?" 
"where does it goes wrong?"
"am i that bad?"
After i received that advice, i started to question myself again; "throughout the process for me to accept the fact that happened to my life, do i ever forgive myself before i forgive others?". 
I feel bad to myself after realized it but it is not too late to fix it. So slowly, i changed my perception on what had happened to myself. 

2. Love yourself ☝🏻
So right after you learned to forgive yourself, you gotta learned to love yourself all over again. Formula;
Allah, Rasulullah, family & ME!
Ibu always tell me "no matter what happened, jaga solat". From this message, i can tell you that when you really love yourself, you won't be that easily abandoned your responsibility as "His hamba". Ahh it is hard to explain into words πŸ˜‚ but it is something like that laa~ 
So apapun berlaku, please love yourself okay? ♥️ And oh ya, i can bet you that if you love yourself seriously, you will think wisely before you do anything bcs whatever you do, it will effect the next consequences in your life.

3. Be honest to yourself ☝🏻
This lesson really hit me that bad πŸ’†πŸ»‍♀️ For so many times, i doubt on myself... Actually, for what reason i protect the things that keep hurting me? I really took time to fix everything until i started to be gentle and let it go. As time flies by, i started to become the cold hearted me again. Well, im good at ignoring people until this one person tell me "You should be honest to yourself and it is not wrong for having that feeling. In fact, you should be grateful for it." this conversations occurred unexpectedly where i think he got the sense that i was hiding something from him 😌 i swear that i didn't expect this situation would happen lol.

Lastly, i just wanna say to everyone who read this; if someday you're gotta go through the hard times, sabar and terus bersabar okay? And ya, there is one ustaz taught me one thing;
"Dikala kita mengucapkan Alhamdulillah atas kurniaanNya, jgn lupa untuk berdoa kepada Allah untuk memaafkan segala dosa kita sepanjang kita nak capai kejayaan tu"
Kenapa kena mintak supaya Allah memaafkan kita?
The ustaz answer; "sebab disaat kita diduga, pasti kita akan merungut dan ada kalanya kita marahkan Dia sebab kita diuji sebegini" 
Wow im shocked and indeed, it is true. 

So yeah, that's all from 3 Major Lessons in 2019! I hope that everyone who read this will grant His bless forever & always. Not to forget, if you're having hard time, i hope that you can go through this journey patiently and always remember "in every hard times, there will always be good in return". ♥️

Love, tims.


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