So What's the Next Mistakes?

"Love and to be Loved"
It's part of basic human needs in life.

But bear in your mind,
Not everything that you "love", you'll get it.

Sometimes you might have it, but then you gotta let it go.
Sometimes you might not have it now, but later.. you'll get it.
Sometimes you have it now, and still hold into it until now.
And sometimes you didn't get it, and still not gonna have it.

That's what we call "the possibility in life".

When you get it, but lose it.
Allah want to test you bcs He knows you can face it. 
So stay calm and face it.

When you lose it, but suddenly you got what you want.
That means, Allah just want you to be patient.
Stay patient now and you'll get your happiness in future.

When you have it, and still hold into it.
That means, Allah already give what you want.
And it's your job to keep it.
Hold it tightly, and never let it go.

When you lose it, and will never have it.
That means, Allah want to grand you something better than your plan.
Allah want you to stay patient for now and trust His plan.

You see,
People might have face all of those possibilities in life.
But that doesn't mean you're making mistakes in life.

It's not a mistakes.
But it's a lesson.

We all human, making mistakes to gain some lessons in life.

So here,

Does repeating the same mistakes is included as a "lesson"?

When you repeat the same mistakes in your life,
It means that.. you don't even learn from your past ((mistakes)).
And it's similar to, "i'm sorry but i will do it again".


But you see, we all human.
Living as "hamba Allah".
We live not only for what we needs
But we all human live, to get His bless.

When people say sorry, accept it.
We not even pure enough to argue for their mistakes.
Bcs we make mistakes too. 
We not even know what they'd faced in their life.
So just accept it.

Saying "i'm sorry" and "i've forgiven you" might not be easy.
All you need is "sincerity".
Bcs saying "i'm sorry" and "i've forgiven you" without "sincerity",
It's like for nothing.

And that's...
Your next mistakes.

I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart and stop spreading bad things.

And one more thing,
Don't forget to clear your mind.. "why you're sorry and forgiving".

Don't repeat the same mistakes.
It's a reminder for me and all of you.

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