Appreciate Post For Ika

When i look at your face,
I feel happiness.

When i look into your eyes,
I feel the pain faded.

When i talk to you,
I feel calm.

When i hug you,
I feel warm.

When i was at my lowest point,
I feel you in my soul.

When i'm with you,
I thanked to Allah for giving me this kind of friend.

The friend who lift me up when i was down.
The friend who listen to my probs till 3a.m.
The friend who dance with me without feel shame during riadah.
The friend who laugh so hard when i'm trying my best to use "aku" "kau".
The friend who help me reply those irritating text during recess time.
The friend who become over protecting me when somebody hurts me.
The friend who always entertain me just to make sure i'm okay.

The friend i never knew that we could be this close.

I do forget your birthday was yesterday.
But that doesn't mean i've forgotten you.
Bcs you're one of the unforgettable people that i've welcomed into my life and i will never allowed to say goodbye in my life.

Study well there and keep remember this cute little girl in your precious life :)

ps: kalini wish panjang sikit sbgai denda lupa birthday dia smlm plus i dun have phone lah nak ws or post our happiness in ig huhu sorry from the bottom of my heart!

These the only part of our sem 1 unforgettable memories.

tima sangat comel.

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