
Assalamualaikum !
Our story for today is about "takut". Hm, i don't know how to start it but today i do feel afraid of what gonna happen for my test 1. Nowadays, i keep wondering what type of questions that will be test on test 1. Ya, talking about afraid, my mum always tell me not to be afraid if you really really confident in yourself. And she told me not to cry if i never study hard. And my mum hate it so much if i crying for my bad result. ><"

So today,
what am i gonna do is, start my lessons from now. I mean like, start my revision and stop doing useless thing in my life. Isn't it hard? haha. Well, usually good thing will start with "hard" but it will become "easy" if i keep psycho my brain just like my biggie sister done in her life.

Ya, my biggie sister which i called "along" is one of my role model in my study life. She told me for not giving up if you never try and she also teach me how to control my emotional brain. haha.

Okay, okay..
From now on, i'm Fatimah Adam wanna study hard for my future and my family. I wanna be a successful business woman. One day, insyaAllah.

Don't stop, don't give up!
Keep trying, keep trying..
You'll get it right.

"never let our past ruin our precious future life, even dunia and akhirat." -moon 


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